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Dec 14, 2008

Make Money By Convert Link

Dec 14, 2008
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Do you know that you can make money by creating a link and make it simple and you can earn money by converting your own link or url to different link and you were paid for people go to that url link.

This is simple and you can do it easily.What you need to do is just convert the url for example my blog url http://freeguidetomakemoney.blogspot.com I convert to http://linkbee.com/FCWS and it pay for visit that page.After 9 second visitor can directly go to the original site.

You can also try banner ads for the url because it not stop you a for a while just a banner of Linkbee will appear at the top of page.

You can see the example of banners ads at the top of my page if visitor click the url link below


For this interstitial ads they will paid $1.00 for 1000 visits

For the banner ads they will pay $1.00 for 2000 visits

This is the link for this site



hafiz said...
